The Classroom in the Field
In a recent casual discussion, the CEO of a prominent CSR
foundation shared her lament about how youngsters who join the social sector
prefer to spend their time at the office, noses buried in their laptops. Going
by my observations of some of these youngsters as well, this indeed appears to
be a disturbing trend.

And this learning is seldom apparent in one or even a few
visits. The field reveals itself gradually - layer upon layer - and that too,
only to the discerning, non-judgmental eye. For a newcomer to the sector, it
would take several visits to the same community before the real picture would
Further, akin to the domain of technology, one needs to
keep updating oneself to the developments and transitions in the field. The
Field is not static; rather it is one of the most dynamic environments you can
expect to find. It is also diverse; as you spend more and more time in the
Field, you would tend to generalize less and less.
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